V.N. Vukotic, K. Rukavina Vukotic, A. Dmitrienko, J. Kobti, E. Douglas, K. Geauvreau, MULTIWELL DEVICES FOR MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION, RELATED APPARATUSES AND ASSOCIATED METHODS U.S. Provisional Patent Application N° 63/654.430 filed on May 31, 2024
V.N. Vukotic, S. Veinberg, M. LeSter, A. Dmitrienko, A. Iskra, M. Williams, M. Belassel, TRANSMISSION X-RAY DIFFRACTION APPARATUS AND RELATED METHOD, U.S. Patent Application N° 63/268,497 filed on February 25, 2022
V.N. Vukotic, J. N. Murphy, J. Kobti, M. Dao. Therapeutic Coordination Polymers Containing Pharmaceuticals for Drug Release Applications. (PCT Application 63/230289). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, filed on August 6th, 2021.
V.N. Vukotic, S. Veinberg, N. Caratanosov. Carbon Fiber Window for X-ray Diffractometer. (U.S. Patent No. US 2021/0080410 A1). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Published Mar. 18, 2021.
V. N. Vukotic, M. Belassel, W. Boyer, A. Iskra. Mounting System and Sample Holder for X-ray Diffraction Apparatus. (U.S. Patent No. 10,794,844 B2). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Issued Oct. 6, 2020.

J.N. Murphy, J. Kobti, M. Dao, D. Wear, M. Okoko, S. Pandey, V.N. Vukotic, Therapeutic coordination polymers: tailoring drug release through metal–ligand interactions, Chemical Science, 2024, 15 (19), 7041-7050.
J.M. Taylor, P.J. Dwyer, J. W. Reid, B.S. Gelfand, D. Lim, M. Donoshita, S.L. Veinberg, H. Kitagawa, V.N. Vukotic, and G.K.H. Shimizu, Holding open micropores with water: hydrogen-bonded networks supported by hexaaquachromium(III) cations, Chem, 2018, 4 (4), 868-878.
Graduate Work
V.N. Vukotic, K. Zhu, G. Baggi, S.J. Loeb, Optical Distinction between “Slow” and “Fast” Translational Motion in Degenerate Molecular Shuttles, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2017, 129 (22), 6232.
K. Zhu, G. Baggi, V.N. Vukotic, S.J. Loeb, Reversible Mechanical Protection: Building a 3D “Suit” Around a T-shaped Benzimidazole Axle. Chemical Science, 2017, 8 (5), 3898.
K. Zhu, V.N. Vukotic, S.J. Loeb, Acid‐Base Switchable [2]‐and [3] Rotaxane Molecular Shuttles with Benzimidazolium and Bis (pyridinium) Recognition Sites, Chemistry–An Asian Journal, 2016, 11 (22), 3258.
Z. Wang, M.J. Islam, V.N. Vukotic, M.J. Revington, Conformational Study of N, N′-Diacyl Bispidines and Dioxo Bis-bispidines: Planar Chirality and Molecular Switching, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016, 81 (7), 2981.
V.N. Vukotic, and S.J. Loeb, Building hydrogen-bonded networks from metal complexes containing the heterotopic (N or O) ligand 4, 4′-bipyridine-N-monoxide, Supramolecular Chemistry, 2016, 28 (1-2), 151.
Z. Wang, M.J. Islam, V.N. Vukotic, Structural analysis of bis-bispidine tetraazamacrocycle: Long-range weak interactions in a channeled organic crystal, Journal of Molecular Structure, 2015, 1081, 44.
V.N. Vukotic, C.A. O'Keefe, K. Zhu, K.J. Harris, C. To, R.W. Schurko, and S.J. Loeb, Mechanically Interlocked Linkers inside Metal-Organic Frameworks: Effect of Ring Size on Rotational Dynamics, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137(30), 9643.
K. Zhu, C.A. O'Keefe, V.N. Vukotic, R.W. Schurko, and S.J. Loeb, A Molecular Shuttle that Operates Inside a Metal-Organic Framework, Nature Chemistry, 2015, 7, 514. *Highlighted in Chemistry World, C&E News, and Nature*
I. Elguraish, K. Zhu, L. Hernandez, H. Amarne, J. Luo, V.N. Vukotic, and S.J. Loeb, Assembly of a M4L4 “Folded-Cube” Using a T-Shaped, Right-Angled Ligand, Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44, 898.
K. Zhu, V.N. Vukotic, C.A. O'Keefe, R.W. Schurko, and S.J. Loeb, Metal-Organic Frameworks with Mechanically Interlocked Pillars: Controlling Ring Dynamics in the Solid-State via a Reversible Phase Change, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014, 136, 7403.
C.B. Caputo, K. Zhu, V.N. Vukotic, S.J. Loeb, and D.W. Stephan, Heterolytic Activation of H2 Using a Mechanically Interlocked Molecule as a Frustrated Lewis Base, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2012, 52, 960. *Front Cover*
K. Zhu, V.N. Vukotic, N. Noujeim, and S.J. Loeb, Bis(benzimidazolium) axles and crown ether wheels: a versatile templating pair for the formation of [2]rotaxane molecular shuttles, Chemical Science, 2012, 3, 3265.
V.N. Vukotic, K.J. Harris, K. Zhu, R.W. Schurko, and S.J. Loeb, Metal-organic frameworks with dynamic interlocked components, Nature Chemistry, 2012, 4, 456. *Front Cover / Highlighted in Chemistry World and Canadian Chemical News*
V.N. Vukotic and S.J. Loeb, Coordination polymers containing rotaxane linkers, Chemical Society Reviews, 2012, 41, 5896. *Back Cover / Highly Cited Paper by Thomson Reuters*
C.B. Caputo, S.J. Geier, D. Winkelhaus, N.W. Mitzel, V.N. Vukotic, S.J. Loeb, and D.W. Stephan, Reactions of substituted pyridines with electrophilic boranes, Dalton Trans., 2012, 41, 2131.
N. Noujeim, K. Zhu, V.N. Vukotic, and S.J. Loeb, [2]Pseudorotaxanes from T-Shaped Benzimidazolium Axles and [24]Crown-8 Wheels, Organic Letters, 2012, 14, 2484.
D.J. Mercer, et al., Rotaxanes Based on the 1,2-Bis(pyridinio)ethane-24-Crown-8 Templating Motif, Eur. J.Org. Chem., 2011, 1763.
D.J. Mercer, V.N. Vukotic, and S.J. Loeb, Linking [2]rotaxane wheels to create a new type of metal-organic rotaxane framework, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 896.
K. Zhu, V.N. Vukotic, and S.J. Loeb, Molecular Shuttling of a Compact and Rigid H-Shaped [2]Rotaxane, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2012, 51, 2168.
C.B. Caputo, V.N. Vukotic, N.M. Sirizzotti, and S.J. Loeb, A tetrapyridine ligand with a rigid tetrahedral core forms metal-organic frameworks with PtS type architecture, Chemical Communications, 2011, 47, 8545.
V.N. Vukotic and S.J. Loeb, One-, Two- and Three-Periodic Metal-Organic Rotaxane Frameworks (MORFs): Linking Cationic Transition-Metal Nodes with an Anionic Rotaxane Ligand, Chemistry-a European Journal, 2010, 16, 13630. *Inside Front Piece*
L.K. Knight, V.N. Vukotic, E. Viljoen, C.B. Caputo, and S.J. Loeb, Eliminating the need for independent counterions in the construction of metal-organic rotaxane frameworks (MORFs), Chemical Communications, 2009, 5585.